Of Populism and Holiness

Of Populism and Holiness By Ezra Rich There is nothing like a Buffalo summer. We spend all year longing for it and are eager to savor it during these special months. However, the broader world is a challenging place. Amidst the challenges facing Israel coupled with...

Communal Responsibility

Communal Responsibility By Janet Gunner At the start of each Jewish New Year the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Torah Fund Campaign issues a pin highlighting a tenet of Judaism that many women wear proudly. This year (5784) “Arevut” was highlighted, taken...

Becoming Connected Jews

Becoming Connected Jews By Rabbi Avi Okin The Ashkenazi custom is to read Megillas Rus (The Book of Ruth) on the second morning of Shavuos. The first chapter in the Megillah describes how Rus sacrificed everything, including her prestige and wealth as a Moabite...