Creating opportunities for meaningful, purposeful and relevant Jewish exploration.


LiNK Jewish Buffalo

LiNK Jewish Buffalo’s vision is for all Jews, their family and friends of other faiths, and those exploring Judaism, to connect with one another through meaningful Jewish living and learning experiences regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or ability.

The word link, means to connect – or – the relationship between two things. You will see in our brand a small i, which represents you, the individual, who is always at the center of our work. The soft and rounded letters evoke an openness, a feeling of being surrounded by others (friends, community, the Jewish calendar, our ancestors) – and b’tzelem elokim – another one of our guiding values, that underscores how everyone has something of value to contribute and everyone has the right to belong. Our brand colors are warm and vibrant, and we hope conjure a sense of curiosity, an invitation to explore, ask questions and engage.

About LiNK Jewish Buffalo

Our Vision

All Jews, their family and friends of other faiths, and those exploring Judaism, connect with one another through meaningful Jewish living and learning experiences.

Our Mission

LiNK Jewish Buffalo:

1. Engages and nurtures relationships with and among families and individuals at all stages of life;

2. Creates opportunities for meaningful and relevant Jewish exploration and learning; and

3. Supports and amplifies the work of synagogues and partner organizations.

Core Values

Several core Jewish values underpin our mission and are central to activating our vision:


We are forward thinking and believe that Jewish living and learning can happen both inside of and outside of institutions. We facilitate new kinds of Jewish experiences; our work is iterative and continually improving.


We encourage anyone to ask questions, explore, and seek depth and meaning in their Jewishness.


We focus on building relationships and creating shared Jewish experiences that build and deepen connections.


We believe that everyone has something of value to contribute and everyone has a right to belong. We are inclusive of those raised inside Jewish community, those raised completely without Jewish community, individuals who are Jew-adjacent, and inclusive of all abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations.


LiNK Chair: Marni Marciano
LiNK Vice Chair: Kirstie Henry
PJ Library Chair: Nikki Balsom
PJ Library Vice Chair: Elyse Skerker Sigal
MidLife Engagement Chair: Alissa Rabach
Partnerships Chair: Shiri Kester
Partnership Vice Chair: Donna Levy
Immediate Past Chair: Brenda Feldstein

Professional Team

Robin Kurss

Robin Kurss

Director of Jewish Experience


Robin is a lifelong Buffalonian. She grew up in and has raised her three children in the Buffalo Jewish Community. Connecting people through the traditions and beauty of Judaism is an important part of her life and she often spreads this passion through cooking with children and adults alike. Robin loves to share generations of her family’s recipes in her monthly cooking column in the Jewish Journal of WNY. When not in the office, Robin can be found with her husband, FaceTiming with her out of town children and grandchildren, cooking, baking and reading.

Email Robin

Zahava Fried

Zahava Fried

Manager of Young Family Engagement


Originally a native of Pittsburgh, PA, Zahava now considers herself to be a full-fledged Buffalonian after realizing she can’t help but root for The Bills. She has a strong love for Jewish liturgical music, Torah learning, and engaging our community’s children through music and creative arts to embrace the beauty of our shared tradition. Zahava can often be found making up silly songs, riding her Pelaton, reading historical fiction, or chasing after her two daughters and husband while ensuring her iced coffee doesn’t spill!

Email Zahava

Rabbi Sara Rich

Rabbi Sara Rich

Senior Jewish Educator


Rabbi Sara was raised in Maryland, studied in Jerusalem and New York City, and came to Buffalo in 2017 after serving as the Director of Education at the Princeton Hillel. She served for six years as the Executive Director of Hillel of Buffalo, and is now the Senior Rabbi of Temple Beth Tzedek. Rabbi Sara loves to learn and to teach, and often finds herself doing both at the same time! She lives in Williamsville with her husband Ezra and three daughters.

Email Sara