Taking Action for Eden

Taking Action for Eden By Sara Schultz Do you enjoy the sight and sound of birds? Do you feel the connection to something greater than yourself when evening slowly darkens, and busy chattering fills our landscapes? For me, this is Eden. OK, what has all this got to do...

The Blessing of Our Safety

The Blessing of Our Safety By Susan C. DeMari After reading Eikev I pondered when Moses goes on to warn of the annihilation of many people that will be delivered by God to be destroyed, whether some will read the passage and think solely about what is happening in...

Created in the Image of G-d

Created in the Image of G-d By Dr. Devorah Okin In this week’s Torah portion, Va’etchanan, Moshe (Moses) recounts epic passages in the Torah, among them the Ten Commandments and warnings of future exile. He follows these fearsome warnings and abyssal commandments with...

People of the Question

People of the Question By Rabbi Brent Gutmann On Monday night, the Jewish world will begin Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. It commemorates the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem. So too, over time it has become a kind of catch-call day for...