Sharon Kostiner
November 20, 2020

We are delighted to cast this week’s spotlight on Sharon Kostiner who is celebrating her 25th year as a professional with the Jewish Community Center.

Sharon began her JCC career as the Centerland Conference Center Coordinator. Her role soon grew to include special projects and development until she began working in membership services. Today, she is the JCC’s Membership Director.

Sharon is the daughter of Irwin (z”l) and Carol Davis, and the oldest of three sisters, Barb who lives in Arizona and Lisa here in Buffalo. “Our parents set the example for us in terms of involvement in the Jewish community,” Lisa notes. “Our family was very involved in our synagogue (Beth El) and Shabbos was always a big deal.”

Sharon always puts family first and that she could work at the JCC while her children, nieces and nephews – and now grandchildren – were also there attending pre-school and other programs is a huge bonus. “My sister is an awesome person,” adds younger sister Lisa. “She is sweet and loving and puts everyone else first.”

Sharon is married to Ariel, a local businessman, and after a short stint in Long Island, have been in Buffalo for nearly 35 years.  The Kostiners have two adult children, Alyssa Strang (married to Colin who she met while they were both working at Camp Lakeland) and Danielle. The Kostiners have two grandchildren, Jonah and Eve.

Mazal Tov, Sharon on this very special milestone!