Generous Giving and Grateful Receiving
February 28, 2025

By Erin Casper

This week’s Torah portion, Terumah, opens with G-d telling Moses to instruct the Israelites to bring gifts “from every person whose heart is so moved.” The gifts G-d describes are a range of materials so the people can build a sanctuary for G-d to dwell among them. The word Terumah has been translated in several ways, most commonly as offering, gift or donation. I was struck by those words ‘whose heart is so moved’ because to me that is a central reason for giving – your heart calls you to do so.

When you give a gift to someone, while it may be partially done out of societal expectation, I would hope that it’s also because you felt called to do so in some way. Whether it’s a monetary gift, a meal to a new mom or person recovering from illness, giving a ride somewhere, a gift made in honor or memory of someone, on all these occasions, we are opening our hearts to one another.

I’ve learned a lot about philanthropy over the last year and a half as my role at the Federation has evolved. I was born and raised in Buffalo, and spent my childhood immersed in the Buffalo Jewish community and all it had to offer. I’ve felt a growing passion and responsibility to do this work because Jewish Buffalo has given so much to me, and shaped so much of who I am. It only seems right that I should be able to give back to the community in this way. I have learned a lot about what it means to a Jewish communal professional, what it takes to raise funds for this agency and how it all has changed in our post October 7th world. The one constant for me is the calling in my heart to keep going, to try new things, to do the best I can for the greater good.

In preparing to write this week’s Jewish Thought, I read numerous commentaries, and I was particularly moved by these words from Rabbi Adam Greenwald – “Parshat Terumah begins with the command to all people to open their hearts and give what they can for the building of holy space where G-d can dwell. Generous giving and grateful receiving are essential parts of the sacred script of how we manifest G-d’s presence among us. As we give and take, as we share and support, we sanctify our world and become G-d’s agents in blessing one another.” The act of giving, be it your time, talent, or treasure, is sacred work, and I am so grateful to be part of a community where people give so generously.

It was Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks whose words stood out to me the most – “The paradox of giving is that when we lift something to give to another, it is we ourselves who are lifted. I believe that what elevates us in life is not what we receive but what we give. The more of ourselves that we give, the greater we become.” May we become great together and ensure a flourishing Jewish Buffalo for years to come.



Erin Casper is Manager of Governance and Development for the Buffalo Jewish Federation.