Event Series PJ Pals Shabbat

PJ Pals Shabbat

To Be Determined Buffalo, NY, United States

Join your PJ Library for a family-friendly Shabbat service featuring your favorite Buffalo synagogues and community partners!

Babies & Books

To Be Determined Buffalo, NY, United States

Join us for an inviting morning full of meeting new friends, music, sensory exploration, and stories. This event is perfect for babies and toddlers ages 3 months through 4 years-old and the grown-ups who love them! Theme: Yom Haatzmaut

Event Series PJ Pals Shabbat

PJ Pals Shabbat

To Be Determined Buffalo, NY, United States

Join your PJ Library for a family-friendly Shabbat service featuring your favorite Buffalo synagogues and community partners!

Dov Linzer

To Be Determined Buffalo, NY, United States

Rab­bi Dov Linz­er is the Pres­i­dent and Rab­binic Head of YCT Rab­bini­cal School of Yeshi­v­at Chovevei Torah. He has writ­ten for The For­ward, Tablet and The New York Times and pub­lished over 100 teshu­vot (respon­sa) and schol­ar­ly articles.

Hilary Zaid

To Be Determined Buffalo, NY, United States

Hilary Zaid has been a Ten­nessee Williams Schol­ar at the Sewa­nee Writ­ers’ Con­fer­ence, a James D. Hous­ton Fel­low at the Com­mu­ni­ty of Writ­ers and a two-time atten­dance of Tin House Writ­ers’ Work­shop. Her work has appeared in Moth­er Jones, Eco­tone, Day One, Lilith Mag­a­zine, and else­where. Long-list­ed for the 2018 North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Inde­pen­dent Book­sellers’ Award for Fic­tion, her nov­el Paper is White is a 2018 Fore­word Indies sil­ver medal­ist and the win­ner of the 2018 Inde­pen­dent Pub­lish­ers’ Book Awards (IPPY) in LGBT+ Fic­tion. Her nov­el For­get I Told You This, is the inau­gur­al win­ner of the Bar­bara DiBernard Award. Title: For­get I Told You This Description: Amy Black, a sin­gle moth­er and an aspir­ing artist in love with cal­lig­ra­phy, dreams of a cov­et­ed artist’s res­i­den­cy at the world’s largest social media com­pa­ny, Q. When a stranger asks Amy to tran­scribe a love let­ter for him, his dis­ap­pear­ance leads her straight to Q — with the chance to style her­self a 21st-cen­tu­ry sofer­et—and to a group of data pri­va­cy vig­i­lantes who want her to burn Q to the ground. A very con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish nov­el about faith, free will and what it means to believe, For­get I Told You This asks us what it means to see and be seen in a world in which our every move is surveilled.