Remember and Preserve

Jewish Federation Cemetery Corporation Ohel Project

In 1899, Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef (Joseph) Rabinowitz (Z”L) emigrated to the United States from the small village of Sokolifka now in modern day Ukraine.  He was the first Hassidic Rabbi to come to the United States and settled on the Lower East Side before moving to Buffalo in 1908 where he led the Jefferson Street Shul.  In addition to his own great genealogy, the Rebbe was the brother-in-law and chavrusa (study partner) of the renowned Rebbe Mordechai Dov Twerski of Hornisteiple (1840-1903).  Rebbe Twerski’s descendants settled in the Milwaukee, WI area and several currently reside there.  Rabbi Rabinowitz is buried in Buffalo at the entrance of the Jefferson Street Shul and B’nai Israel cemeteries on Pine Ridge Road.  The Ohel over his gravesite that was built in 1920 is in desperate need of repair.  Over time it has deteriorated and currently its appearance is shabby and part of the foundation is unstable.


The Buffalo Jewish Federation Cemetery Corporation is seeking funds to renovate and extend the existing structure.  The intent is to remove the existing roof, whose underneath planks have rotted, and replace with a new roof which will cover both the old and intended addition.  The plan calls for adding a solar panel to the roof to allow for indoor lighting and power for the outdoor two sconces on the sides of the relocated door.  A wall will be removed on the north side of the existing building to permit the addition to seamlessly flow into the original building.

Please consider a gift today to help us preserve the Ohel so that those wishing to visit in the future can do so in safety and dignity.

Cemetery Corporation

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Current condition of the Rebbe’s Ohel

Proposed Renovations:

  • 12 x 12 addition
  • Stabilize building and repair foundation
  • Install new flooring
  • Replace existing roof and rotted window
  • Add solar panel to roof for indoor lighting and power for outdoor sconces
  • Remove wall and open up building

Proposed plan for the Rebbe’s Ohel

Questions?  Email

If you prefer to send a check,
please make checks payable and mail to:
Jewish Federation Cemetery Corporation
338 Harris Hill Rd, Suite 108B
Williamsville, NY 14221