Michelle Glozman & Phillip Shimanovich
July 2, 2021

Throughout the month of July, we will be casting a spotlight on several college students who are part of the new Summer Internship through Hillel at Buffalo. In this program, students work in their internship placements throughout Buffalo during the week, and on Fridays gather with Hillel for professional development, field trips, and Jewish learning.

Today, we feature cousins, Michelle Glozman and Phillip Shimanovich.  Michele’s internship is with the Jewish Community Center.  She is a sophomore at the University at Buffalo majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Financial Analytics.  Michelle loves math, music, and tennis and is active in Hillel as well as UB Aces Tennis. So far, Michelle feels she is gaining “valuable work experience” from her internship at the JCC. She writes, “The opportunity is one of the best I have received at UB because it helps me develop various skills and become a more well-rounded individual.” 

Phillip is interning with Temple Beth Zion, where he is helping to produce a holiday music album with synagogue members.  He is a rising senior at University at Buffalo majoring in media study with a concentration in production. In addition to his studies at the University, Phillip also works for NCS, one of the school’s IT departments. Through his internship experience, Phillip says, “It has been great meeting new people in the Jewish community and staying active in it through the summer.”