Laura had an experience of a lifetime in Israel with the Buffalo MOMentum group last month.
“While experiencing the beauty of the land in Israel, I never expected to learn that nothing is more beautiful than wisdom and experience, and to separate the role as a mom. We learned the importance of our own human dignity, even though at times our worthiness is tied into every single nachas from our children and their successes. Adrienne Gold, Educator Extraordinaire from Toronto, taught that we must always remind ourselves that God doesn’t make garbage. We have the choice to be a leader, a follower, or a bystander.”
You can read more about Laura’s adventures in Israel by clicking here.
The next Buffalo MOMentum Spiritual Experience in Israel will be happening in July 2020! Momentum trips are free for participants excluding airfare. Additional costs for participants include $25 for the Year of Growth book, $75 for tips, a $99 acceptance fee, and some meals. Participants pay a $500 deposit which is fully refundable upon returning from the trip. This trip is designed for women in Jewish Buffalo with children at home under the age of 18. The Momentum Year-Long Journey continues with monthly gatherings and Jewish learning.
If you’re interested in having an experience like Laura, come to the Buffalo MOMentum 2020 Info Session on Monday, January 27 at 7 PM. More details can be found here.
If you’re ready to apply to be part of Buffalo’s 2nd cohort – which will travel to Israel July 13 – 20, 2020, click here.