Throughout February, we have been highlighting members of Jewish Buffalo who face disability in their lives. Today, Robin Kurss, a member of Federation’s professional team, pays special tribute to the members of Temple Beth Tzedek’s Kesher Inclusion Committee who for years have strengthened connections in our community by using their talents and passion. “Little did they know the impact that making those connections would have on me and my” long lost” Cousin Mitchell,” writes Robin. The Outstretched Arm program for Jews with special needs has been bringing people together regularly from all parts of the community, including a group home in Hamburg where Robin’s cousin lives. His loving caretakers, especially Vinny, have made sure that he is able to participate in joyfully Jewish celebrations as often as possible. “Through a serendipitous conversation with Linda Steinhorn, and the efforts of Sharla Bleichfeld,” recounts Robin, “I was made aware that my dear cousin has been living and celebrating his Jewish identity and place in our community just around the corner from my home at TBT!”
Last month, Robin joined Mitchell in celebrating his 57th birthday and first Hanukkah together since they were children, before being lost to each other. “Sharla arranged this reunion through her work with the committee,” shares Robin, “but more importantly through her heartfelt effort to be the golden thread that binds us, miraculously, from soul to soul and generation to generation.” In this month of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion (JDAIM), we honor the members of the Kesher Inclusion Committee and all those who strive to uphold all that this month stands for. It surely takes a village!