Celebrating our culture. Sharing our stories.
Jewish Buffalo History Center
Jewish Buffalo stories are local, national and international. They are part of the breadth of Jewish life in America and in Greater Buffalo over the last two centuries. The Jewish Buffalo History Center website is a community portal for sources and stories about Jewish Buffalo. As an evolving space for the explorations of our region’s diverse Jewish histories and heritages we welcome your participation as we will be regularly adding new content. Please connect with us to share your stories, photographs, and more!

Temple Sinai, Congregational Seder, 1960s. Courtesy of Congregation Shir Shalom.

Celia Slohm (Bernstein) with hat marked in red, Junior Hadassah Conference Meeting, 1928. Courtesy of Buffalo Hadassah.

Jewish Community Religious School Class, May 23, 1943, Jewish Community Building. Courtesy of Getelle Rein.
Jennifer Patrick, Chair
Marjorie Bryen, President
Rob Goldberg, Staff