The Wanderers

Jewish Community Center – Maxine and Robert Seller Theater 2640 North Forest Road, Getzville, NY, United States

by Anna Ziegler Directed by JRT Artistic Director Saul Elkin Running February 6 - March 2, 2025 In this Off-Broadway hit, two marriages have seemingly little in common: Esther and Schmuli are Orthodox Jews navigating strictly defined rules and roles, while Sophie and Abe are secular and free to make their own choices. But both couples are growing apart as they strive to balance their individual identities with the families they've created. As Esther tests the boundaries of her personal freedom, Abe falls into a correspondence with a movie star that will shake the foundations of his marriage and career. From the playwright of JRT's hit production, Photograph 51, comes this funny, moving, and thoughtful play that asks if following one's truth is worth it, no matter the cost. Featuring an all-star cast including Arin Lee Dandes, Jordan Levin, Aleks Malejs, Alex Watts and Adam Yellen.

The Wanderers

Jewish Community Center – Maxine and Robert Seller Theater 2640 North Forest Road, Getzville, NY, United States

by Anna Ziegler Directed by JRT Artistic Director Saul Elkin Running February 6 - March 2, 2025 In this Off-Broadway hit, two marriages have seemingly little in common: Esther and Schmuli are Orthodox Jews navigating strictly defined rules and roles, while Sophie and Abe are secular and free to make their own choices. But both couples are growing apart as they strive to balance their individual identities with the families they've created. As Esther tests the boundaries of her personal freedom, Abe falls into a correspondence with a movie star that will shake the foundations of his marriage and career. From the playwright of JRT's hit production, Photograph 51, comes this funny, moving, and thoughtful play that asks if following one's truth is worth it, no matter the cost. Featuring an all-star cast including Arin Lee Dandes, Jordan Levin, Aleks Malejs, Alex Watts and Adam Yellen.

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Author Carol Goodman Kaufman

The Show at Shea's Seneca 2188 Seneca St, Buffalo, United States

Before evolv­ing into a writer, Car­ol Good­man Kauf­man worked as an indus­tri­al and orga­ni­za­tion­al psy­chol­o­gist and crim­i­nol­o­gist. Her pub­lished works span mul­ti­ple gen­res, includ­ing aca­d­e­m­ic re- search, food his­to­ry, trav­el, human inter­est, children’s lit­er­a­ture, and mys­tery short sto­ries. The First Mur­der is her first novel. Title: The First Murder When Mary Jane Ben­nett is found dead in her bed — alone, stran­gled by her own scarf, and with every door in the house locked — the med­ical exam­in­er rules her death acci­den­tal, the result of a sex game gone hor­ri­bly awry. State police decline to inves­ti­gate fur­ther, but Queens­bridge Police Chief Caleb Crane doesn’t buy for a minute that his good friend died this way, so he under­takes his own inves­ti­ga­tion. Fac­ing town coun­cilors afraid of bad pub­lic­i­ty, an angry med­ical exam­in­er, and his own per­son­al demons, he labors to solve what he believes is the first-ever mur­der in his pas­toral Berk­shire Hills vil­lage. Com­pli­cat­ing things: the list of sus­pects includes some of the peo­ple to whom he is clos­est — includ­ing his own wife. Run­ning through­out the book is the sto­ry of Purim and its mes­sages. Who is the killer hid­ing behind a mask? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Cover to Cover | JCC Book Festival

Nora Gold

Temple Beth Zion Delaware 805 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

Dr. Nora Gold is the prize-win­ning author of five books and the founder and edi­tor of the pres­ti­gious lit­er­ary jour­nal Jew­ish Fic​tion​.net. Her books have won both The Cana­di­an Jew­ish Lit­er­ary Award and The Vine Cana­di­an Jew­ish Book Award, and her writ­ing has been praised by Alice Munro, Cyn­thia Ozick, and Dara Horn. Title: In Sick­ness and in Health / Yom Kip­pur in a Gym This new book by award-win­ning writer Nora Gold is com­posed of two novel­las: In Sick­ness and in Health and Yom Kip­pur in a Gym. In Sick­ness and in Health is an intro­spec­tive nar­ra­tive writ­ten in the sec­ond per­son. It fol­lows five days in the life of a woman named Lily, who suf­fers from an undi­ag­nosed ail­ment that leaves her bedrid­den for near­ly a week every month. When­ev­er Lily has a series of awful sick days and can’t get out of bed, her mind goes down a rab­bit hole: she assumes that her hus­band is hav­ing an affair. To express this anger, Lily learns how to say ridicu­lous curs­es and angry phras­es in oth­er lan­guages. She regur­gi­tates them in a list, momen­tar­i­ly light­en­ing the seri­ous­ness of her con­di­tion.. Because Lily’s ill­ness comes and goes reg­u­lar­ly, she describes feel­ing like two dif­fer­ent peo­ple who can­not coex­ist. Gold writes clear­ly about […]

Event Series Cover to Cover | JCC Book Festival

Nora Gold

Jewish Community Center 2640 North Forest Road, Getzville, NY, United States

Dr. Nora Gold is the prize-win­ning author of five books and the founder and edi­tor of the pres­ti­gious lit­er­ary jour­nal Jew­ish Fic​tion​.net. Her books have won both The Cana­di­an Jew­ish Lit­er­ary Award and The Vine Cana­di­an Jew­ish Book Award, and her writ­ing has been praised by Alice Munro, Cyn­thia Ozick, and Dara Horn. Title: Jew­ish Sto­ries Trans­lat­ed from 18 Languages  Read­ers who are tempt­ed by slim vol­umes of short sto­ries will take great plea­sure in 18: Jew­ish Sto­ries Trans­lat­ed from 18 Lan­guages. Edit­ed by Nora Gold, the book deliv­ers on its promise to share beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed fic­tion that trans­ports read­ers across the globe in fif­teen min­utes or few­er. Instead of try­ing to answer the age-old ques­tion, ​“What makes a Jew­ish sto­ry a Jew­ish sto­ry?,” the col­lec­tion allows the diverse sto­ries and voic­es of the authors to take cen­ter stage. Cer­tain­ly Jew­ish hol­i­days, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers and insti­tu­tions, impor­tant his­tor­i­cal events, and anti­semitism appear as threads through­out the book, but they serve more as an orga­niz­ing and the­mat­ic tool than as a state­ment about the Jew­ish canon. These short sto­ries don’t pro­vide escape from cur­rent events. If any­thing, the inten­si­ty of our moment only height­ens the com­plex­i­ty and nuances of these works. The result is that although these sto­ries can be read in just […]

Event Series Cover to Cover | JCC Book Festival

Ari Gold

Virtual Event

Ari Gold is a film­mak­er and win­ner of the Stu­dent Oscar. His films have been select­ed at Sun­dance four times, and his upcom­ing movies Heli­copter and Broth­er Vers­es Broth­er are com­pan­ions to this book. Title: Father Vers­es Sons: A Cor­re­spon­dence in Poem Description: A lush­ly illus­trat­ed ​“cor­re­spon­dence in poems,” ranges across the life, fam­i­ly, and death of a remark­able father. The father and his sons write ten­der­ly of their hunger for con­nec­tion, about the woman that all three men have lost (a moth­er, a wife), and about the pas­sion that all three seek. Ulti­mate­ly, these poems tell a sin­gu­lar sto­ry of men bum­bling their way towards love.