Event Series Beginner Hebrew

Beginner Hebrew

Virtual Event

This basic introductory Hebrew reading course is for Beginners interested in learning the Hebrew alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary with a focus on reading prayers for Shabbat, Synagogue Services, and traditional blessings. This is an introductory course. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Intermediate Hebrew

Intermediate Hebrew

Virtual Event

This intermediate level Hebrew course is to further develop skills for those who already know the Hebrew alphabet and can read several words and phrases. The focus of this course is on Hebrew prayer. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Advanced Hebrew

Advanced Hebrew

Virtual Event

This advanced level Hebrew course is for those who can read and understand simple Biblical and Modern Hebrew phrases. The primary focus of this class is conversational Hebrew. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 7:30-8:30 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series The Spirit of Shabbat

The Spirit of Shabbat

Virtual Event

The Spirit of Shabbat (Zoom Only). Give yourself a spiritual Shabbat treat. Join Rabbi Greenberg for penetrating insight along with a delightful story. Zoom connection information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2268494785?pwd=YVFLK0E5TzZGRUk5aUhsVWNzWXZ5Zz09 Meeting ID: 226 849 4785 Password: 613 (if prompted) or Call +1 929 205 6099

Event Series Beginner Hebrew

Beginner Hebrew

Virtual Event

This basic introductory Hebrew reading course is for Beginners interested in learning the Hebrew alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary with a focus on reading prayers for Shabbat, Synagogue Services, and traditional blessings. This is an introductory course. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Intermediate Hebrew

Intermediate Hebrew

Virtual Event

This intermediate level Hebrew course is to further develop skills for those who already know the Hebrew alphabet and can read several words and phrases. The focus of this course is on Hebrew prayer. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Advanced Hebrew

Advanced Hebrew

Virtual Event

This advanced level Hebrew course is for those who can read and understand simple Biblical and Modern Hebrew phrases. The primary focus of this class is conversational Hebrew. 2nd Semester: classes run 1/22 – 4/9 Wednesdays | 7:30-8:30 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Ari Gold

Virtual Event

Ari Gold is a film­mak­er and win­ner of the Stu­dent Oscar. His films have been select­ed at Sun­dance four times, and his upcom­ing movies Heli­copter and Broth­er Vers­es Broth­er are com­pan­ions to this book. Title: Father Vers­es Sons: A Cor­re­spon­dence in Poem Description: A lush­ly illus­trat­ed ​“cor­re­spon­dence in poems,” ranges across the life, fam­i­ly, and death of a remark­able father. The father and his sons write ten­der­ly of their hunger for con­nec­tion, about the woman that all three men have lost (a moth­er, a wife), and about the pas­sion that all three seek. Ulti­mate­ly, these poems tell a sin­gu­lar sto­ry of men bum­bling their way towards love.