“Superhero Shabbat” Young Family Service & Dinner

Sisterhood Chapel | Temple Beth Zion 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY, United States

Bring the whole family to a child-friendly Shabbat Service filled with music, prayer, stories, and fun -- and stay for a delicious Shabbat Dinner! Open to members and non-members. Early Bird pricing until 1/9: $5/person, $20/family of 4+ After 1/9 pricing: $10/person, $36/family of 4+ 2 years and under: Free Registration is preferred, but walk-ins are always welcome. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Sweet Dreams – Shabbat Young Family Service and Dinner

Sisterhood Chapel | Temple Beth Zion 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY, United States

"Sweet Dreams" Shabbat Young Family Service and Dinner Bring the whole family to a child-friendly Shabbat Service filled with music, prayer, stories, and fun -- and stay for a delicious dinner catered by our TBZ Culinary Committee!  Open to members and non-members.  Early Bird Registration ends on 12/5.  Registration is preferred, but walk-ins are always welcome. Early Bird Registration by 12/5: $5/person, $20/family of 4+ After 12/5: $10/person, $36/family of 4+. (No charge for 2 yrs. and younger) "Family" of 4+ means "One Household". CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Blended Voices Music Series

Kristallnacht Commemoration

Sisterhood Chapel | Temple Beth Zion 805 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY, United States

Music has a powerful way to mediate, but also intensify responses to social injustice. The Jewish Community will remember the events of Kristallnacht through an evening of prayer, and music with local BPO cellist Robbie Hausmann and the Holocaust Resource Center. Registration required www.jccbuffalo.org.