Rabbi Motti Kopman z”l
April 17, 2020
Compiled from the words of Rabbi Moshe Gurary, Chabad House of Buffalo

A dear friend, father, and husband Mordechai (Motti) Kopman was ripped away from us so young at the age of 34.  Motti was battling lymphoma for the last six months and his body succumbed to COVID-19 over the weekend.

Motti was everyone’s best friend, everyone’s open ear, and always had a good word to say. He was a dedicated father and a committed community member. He served the Knesset Center (Chabad Shul on Starin Avenue) like a soldier.  He was always first  to volunteer for any communal need;  if anyone needed a minyan for a burial or a shiva, he would drop everything he was doing and run over to help.

Motty also served as Cantor for the High Holy Days every year at the Chabad House at University at Buffalo, and would then walk after services to the dorms to blow Shofar for students that did not have the opportunity to attend services. 

The world lost a real tzaddik – a righteous man – in Motti; he was such a great father to 5 beautiful children, a dedicated husband & friend.

But now is the time for us to rise to the occasion to help Motti continue his legacy!  A fund has been established by Motti’s friends to help support his family.  Please open your hearts as Motti always opened his and contribute today HERE.

May Motti’s memory always be for blessing and may our support to this important cause hasten the arrival of Moshiach!