This picture deserves its own post. On Friday morning, the entire Momentum group met at Nefesh B’Nefesh (the Israeli non profit that helps North Americans make Aliyah). After a talk about parenting, we took a moment to honor one of our own groups- Mothers of Lone Soldiers. For those who do not know, a Lone Soldier is someone that comes to Israel from another country to serve in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). They are called Lone Soldiers because their family is not living in Israel. However, Israelis honor and respect these soldiers in the highest regard. They go out of their way to make sure these soldiers always have a place to go for Shabbat and other holidays. The group of moms pictured here are from Argentina to Australia and everything in between. Moments after this picture was taken, Nefesh B’Nefesh surprised the women by having their Lone Soldiers walk into the room to reunite with their moms. There are no words to properly describe the feelings we experienced. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. We all cheered and cried the happiest of tears with our fellow moms. It was so meaningful to be able to share that experience together- one we will never forget.