Each week Rabbi Heschel Greenberg leads an insightful conversation on relevant Jewish topics. Followed by a delicious brunch.
Center for Jewish Life invites you to join our Chanukah Celebration Menorah Lighting Lively Music Hot Latkes Donuts Matzah ball soup Chanukah Crafts Chanukah glow in dark CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Join Rabbi Greenberg for a penetrating and inspiring exploration of the weekly torah portion.
Enjoy a delicious lunch while listening to an engaging discussion of Jewish ethics from practical as well as spiritual perspectives.
The Spirit of Shabbat (Zoom Only). Give yourself a spiritual Shabbat treat. Join Rabbi Greenberg for penetrating insight along with a delightful story. Zoom connection information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2268494785?pwd=YVFLK0E5TzZGRUk5aUhsVWNzWXZ5Zz09 Meeting ID: 226 849 4785 Password: 613 (if prompted) or Call +1 929 205 6099