Event Series PJ PEER


Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NY, United States

PJ PEER (PJ Library Parent Engagement & Empowerment Resources) is a FREE innovative program designed to foster a vibrant network of micro-communities among parents raising young Jewish children throughout the Buffalo area. This initiative aims to empower parents to create engaging, welcoming, and meaningful Jewish gatherings for their friends and families. By providing resources and support through a four session program, PJ PEER encourages parents to take an active role in building and nurturing the broader community while enriching their own Jewish experience. Our Fall Cohort is currently full. If you are interested in joining the Spring Cohort, please reach out to Zahava at zahava@buffalojewishfederation.org.

Jewish Ethical Wisdom: Ethics of Our Fathers

Jewish Discovery Center 831 Maple Road, Amherst, NY, United States

Enjoy a delicious lunch while listening to an engaging discussion of Jewish ethics from practical as well as spiritual perspectives.

Event Series Beginner Hebrew

Beginner Hebrew

Virtual Event

This basic introductory Hebrew reading course is for Beginners interested in learning the Hebrew alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary with a focus on reading prayers for Shabbat, Synagogue Services, and traditional blessings. This is an introductory course. Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 9, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, Dec. 4, 11, & 18 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Intermediate Hebrew

Intermediate Hebrew

Virtual Event

This intermediate level Hebrew course is to further develop skills for those who already know the Hebrew alphabet and can read several words and phrases. The focus of this course is on Hebrew prayer. Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 9, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, Dec. 4, 11, & 18 Wednesdays | 6-7 pm Cost: $215 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Event Series Student to Student

Student to Student Training

Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NY, United States

Through Student to Student® Jewish students share their lived experiences as Jewish teens in order to put a human face on Judaism and dismantle antisemitism especially in schools that lack a Jewish presence. Do you want to serve as a Student to Student® presenter this year? Participate in this training program led by area Rabbis and Jewish Educators to get prepared to share your Jewish story. Time/Location: Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm/in person Dates: September 18, 25, October 9, 30, November 6, 13, 20, December 4 Cost: $95 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Shira Dicker

Jewish Community Center – Maxine and Robert Seller Theater 2640 North Forest Road, Getzville, NY, United States

Shi­ra Dick­er is a rest­less writer-at- large, activist, and pub­li­cist who is cap­ti­vat­ed by con­tem­po­rary cul­ture. She has writ­ten for news­pa­pers, mag­a­zines, and news sites that are local, nation­al and glob­al. The moth­er of three adult chil­dren and a grand­moth­er known as ​“EeHee,” she lives in NYC with her hus­band, the writer Ari L. Gold­man, and Luke Wil­son the Pomeranian. Title: Loli­ta at Leonard’s of Great Neck: and Oth­er Sto­ries from the Before Times Description: The five com­pelling tales com­pris­ing Loli­ta at Leonard’s of Great Neck and Oth­er Sto­ries from the Before Times take you on an immer­sive jour­ney from 1974 to the 2000s. Eigh­teen-year-old Anna, a Jew­ish col­lege stu­dent, meets a Ger­man busi­ness­man at a Greek din­er on Queens Boule­vard. Claire Seltzer of Great Neck has the hon­ey­moon from hell in Paris. Rebec­ca, a spunky eighth grad­er, is in love with Mr. Miller, her math teacher. Sarah Rein­hardt, the wife of a celebri­ty doc­tor liv­ing in Cen­tral Park West, finds her­self in a com­pli­cat­ed love tri­an­gle. Rachel Rosensweig awak­ens one morn­ing to find that her hus­band of thir­ty years, a Colum­bia pro­fes­sor, has become a dan­ger­ous rad­i­cal. The char­ac­ters of this unfor­get­table col­lec­tion inhab­it the gold­en era of the post­war, pre-pan­dem­ic world. Age-old pow­er strug­gles — between lovers, between friends, between par­ents and chil­dren— are illu­mi­nat­ed and ana­lyzed. Heart­break­ing […]