Event Series The Spirit of Shabbat

The Spirit of Shabbat

Virtual Event

The Spirit of Shabbat (Zoom Only). Give yourself a spiritual Shabbat treat. Join Rabbi Greenberg for penetrating insight along with a delightful story. Zoom connection information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2268494785?pwd=YVFLK0E5TzZGRUk5aUhsVWNzWXZ5Zz09 Meeting ID: 226 849 4785 Password: 613 (if prompted) or Call +1 929 205 6099

PJ Pals: Purim Shabbat!

Congregation Shir Shalom 4660 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville

It is the night before Purim, and we are full of joy! Join your PJ Library friends at Congregation Shir Shalom for a Purim-themed Shabbat service complete with crafts, songs, and stories! PJ Library families with children ages 0-8 years old. A complimentary dinner will be served. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER