All Day


Kehillat Ohr Tzion, 879 Hopkins Road, Williamsville, NY Buffalo

The eight-day festival of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan. It commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is observed by avoiding leaven and highlighted by the Seder meals that include four cups of wine, eating matzah and bitter herbs, and retelling the story of the Exodus.

Talmud Weekly Study Group

Center for Jewish Life 757 Hopkins Rd, Williamsville

Every Thursday morning 9:00 – 10:00am Dive into the vast sea of the Talmud, the compilation of centuries of Halachic discussion between the greatest of sages. With its stimulating and mind-sharpening twists of logic, the Talmud represents the ultimate in Jewish scholarship. Feel free to join the class at the Center for Jewish Life: 757 Hopkins Rd, Williamsville NY 14221 716 639-7600

The Inside Story: Explore the Torah

Virtual Event

The Inside Story: Explore the Torah (Zoom Only). Join Rabbi Greenberg for a penetrating and inspiring exploration of the weekly torah portion. Zoom connection information: Meeting ID: 226 849 4785 Password: 613 (if prompted) or Call +1 929 205 6099

Let’s Chant

Zoom Meeting NY

Join Zahava Fried as we delve into Torah trope, the melodic punctuation system used to read aloud from the Torah. This class will focus learning the names, purposes, and melodies of the t’amim (trope signs) for Shabbat. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to chant like a champ! Proficiency in reading Hebrew is required. Dates: April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 20, & 27 Time/Location: 7:30-9 pm/zoom Cost: $54  Register at: