Author Abigail Pogrebin

Canterbury Woods Performing Arts Center 705 Renaissance Dr., Williamsville, NY

Abi­gail Pogre­bin is the author of My Jew­ish Year: 18 Hol­i­days, One Won­der­ing Jew which was a final­ist for a 2017 JBC Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award and Stars of David: Promi­nent Jews Talk About Being Jew­ish. She has writ­ten for The Atlantic, The For­ward, and Tablet, and mod­er­ates con­ver­sa­tions for The Stre­ick­er Cen­ter and Jew­ish Broad­cast­ing Service. Title: It Takes Two to Torah: An Ortho­dox Rab­bi and Reform Jour­nal­ist Dis­cuss and Debate Their Way Through the Five Books of Moses Description: For the first time, read­ers can take a tour of the entire Torah through the medi­um of a sin­gle instruc­tive, irrev­er­ent, involv­ing con­ver­sa­tion. Over a two-year peri­od, an Ortho­dox rab­bi and Reform jour­nal­ist talked through the Five Books of Moses with can­dor, humor, emo­tion, per­son­al rev­e­la­tion, and schol­ar­ship. Pogre­bin and Linz­er engaged in these short dia­logues — ten min­utes per par­sha — on a pod­cast for Tablet Mag­a­zine, and these live­ly exchanges have now been col­lect­ed and edit­ed by Fig Tree Books. Dov is a renowned expert in Torah, whose val­ues run egal­i­tar­i­an, but who has clear para­me­ters about what is cor­rect and com­fort­able when it comes to Jew­ish law. Abby is the relat­able every Jew in Amer­i­ca — immersed in Jew­ish life, but less through obser­vance and prayer; more through study, report­ing, syn­a­gogue, and com­mu­ni­ty. This book is for any­one look­ing to access […]

Author Larry Tye

Canterbury Woods Performing Arts Center 705 Renaissance Dr., Williamsville, NY

Lar­ry Tye is a for­mer reporter at The Boston Globe, off now writ­ing books and run­ning a Boston-based fel­low­ship pro­gram for health jour­nal­ists. The Jazzmen is his ninth book, with oth­ers includ­ing Home Lands, the upbeat tale of a thriv­ing Jew­ish dias­po­ra; Super­man, the biog­ra­phy of America’s longest-last­ing (Jew­ish) hero; and Bob­by Kennedy, which looks at RFK’s trans­for­ma­tion from Joe McCarthy’s pro­tege to a lib­er­al icon. Purchase a Copy Here The Jazzmen: How Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie Transformed America The Jazzmen looks main­ly at these three mae­stros’ lives off the band­stand, and how they wrote the sound­track for the civ­il rights rev­o­lu­tion. It also explores the Black-Jew­ish alliance of old— one where each of these African-Amer­i­can band­lead­ers had a Jew­ish man­ag­er and band­mates —and how that might offer a mod­el for today. The George Scoot Big Band will also be preforming at this event. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER