This Week in Israel
May 13, 2021

The following message  was sent on behalf of Partnership Leadership earlier this week. For the past 5 years, Jewish Buffalo has connected with the Western Galilee as part of a consortium of communities through Partnership2Gether.  During this time, each of our countries has experienced our fair share of celebrations and defeats, yet what has and always will remain constant is our respect, deepening friendships, and support for one another. It is in times such as these that we understand how critical our relationships are.


Dear Partnership Family,

As you all know by now, over the past two days there has been an escalation of violence in Israel that has created terrible upheaval, fear and frustration for all Israelis including our Israeli family in the Western Galilee.

At this time, there are no answers or predictions of what will transpire over the next couple of days or weeks, but we want to convey that we have been in constant communication with each other, and we will continue to keep all of you apprised of the situation our friends are living with right now.

In addition to the rockets being launched from Gaza that we are reading about in the U.S. news, there have been riots in many Israeli cities, including Lod, Ramle and Akko. Tragically, our friend Uri Jeremias’s beloved Uri Buri restaurant and Efendi hotel were attacked, torched and burned.  There has been additional damage done in Akko and surrounding areas in the Western Galilee.

Our Israeli friends are so grateful for the many notes, emails and calls from our American friends offering support and sending love and virtual hugs. If you and/or your community would like to show your support and share words of inspiration please load them at this link   or in our Facebook

We are so proud of the special ties we have built and continue to build between our American, Hungarian and Israeli communities in our Western Galilee Central Region Consortium Partnership.  It is times like these that highlight the necessity to do so, and the rewards we gleen from our relationships.

With prayers for peace and safety and much gratitude to all of you,
Leslie Kramer and Elisha Flax, Partnership Co-Chairs
Bracha Zuriel, Consortium Director
Sharon Chait, Partnership Director


Looking for a way to help? The Jewish Federations of North America have set up an emergency fund to support:

  • JAFI to replenish the Victims of Terror Fund that provides immediate cash relief to victims and their families within 24 hours after an attack
  • Recently arrived Ethiopian Olim who are experiencing great trauma from this violence
  • MASA students who have just arrived in the country
  • Israel Trauma Coalition
  • the work of the JDC which provides social welfare to the most disadvantaged in the country.