Silver Dollar Latkes
December 2, 2022
By Sari Arrow

Oh Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah… the time has finally come for the festival of lights. Do you know what that means? It is the time of year when we get to indulge in some of our favorite oily foods! Obviously, to kick off this year’s Hanukkah recipe series, let’s talk about latkes!

Latkes are one of the most recognizable Hanukkah foods. The oily and crispiness of the latkes are the perfect combination, but if you are like me, you want to make sure they are golden and crispy every time. The best way to make sure that all of your latkes are cooked evenly, you should make them smaller!

Silver dollar latkes are the mini latkes that will be perfect for your Hanukkah celebrations this year! Add a scoop of your favorite topping and enjoy your latkes! Play dreidel, eat good food, and enjoy time with your family and friends!