Shiri Kester
October 22, 2021

For the last seven years, Nickel City Jews (NCJ) has been Jewish Buffalo’s signature platform for engaging young Jewish adults though friendship, Jewish learning and leadership. During this time, NCJ has been stewarded by many talented professional and volunteer leaders who have collectively shaped and pushed forward the scope of work and purpose, keeping Nickel City Jews relevant and meaningful.

In January, Shiri Kester will begin her third year as the volunteer Chair of NCJ. During her tenure, Shiri has overseen organizational transformation during COVID; designing and hosting a multitude of virtual and in-person events, spending dozens of hours speaking with young adults from across Jewish Buffalo, and working to ensure individuals felt connected in ways that were comfortable and meaningful. Shiri works closely with Nickel City Jews Vice Chair, Mark Faber, and incoming Vice Chair Eric Niles and in partnership with CJEL Professional Mike Steklof. This year Shiri and her co-leaders have been able to resume hosting events in parks, bars, and people’s homes including two virtual Mussar learning experiences.

Professionally, Shiri is an English Teacher at Williamsville North High School and has also served as a coach for the Jewish Federations of North America’s (JFNA) Changemaker Fellowship program, mentoring young adults from across North America.

If you are interested learning more about NCJ, contact Mike Steklof at 716-463-5061 or