Today we cast our spotlight on Jewish Buffalo leader Risé Kulick, winner of the 2025 Kipnis- Wilson/Friedland Award presented earlier this week at the International Lion of Judah Conference in Atlanta. Risé was joined in Atlanta by fellow Buffalo Lions Maxine Awner, Shira Brown, Marjorie Bryen, Michele Pozarny, Ellen Reis, Joni Shatkin, Cheryl Stein, and Ellen Weiss along with Federation professional staff members Randi Morkisz and Erin Casper.
This Kipnis- Wilson/Friedland Award through National Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federations of North America, is presented to a leader who has made a significant impact in the local Jewish community, Israel and/or abroad; leads in creative ways to address community challenges, takes initiative in areas of philanthropy and volunteer opportunities; and has served as a role model to other women.
Risé’s lifelong dedication to philanthropy and her unwavering commitment to community service make her the perfect recipient of the award. She is a transformative figure in our Jewish community having dedicated herself to numerous agencies, most notably serving as president of the Jewish Community Center. Patty Simonson, CEO of the JCC, notes that “Risé has been such an influential and inspirational leader for the JCC in general and for me personally. As an active past president of the JCC, she continues to provide insight and historical perspectives that are essential to the future of the JCC.”
“Besides my family and my dearest friends, my Jewish community is what makes me tick,” adds Risé. “The more involved I became in our community, by serving on agency boards or committees, the more I wanted to delve into it in greater detail. I feel fortunate and I’m grateful that I have been able to give my time and to give financially. I’m so proud to be a lifelong member of this Buffalo Jewish community. I have truly been enriched by my involvement in more ways than I could ever describe.”
Currently serving as Major Gifts Chair, Risé was a Federation Board member for many years, most recently serving as Vice President. She served as Chair of Women’s Philanthropy and was a past recipient of the Ruth and Milton Kahn Young Leadership Award. Federation President Margie Bryen emphasized Risé’s indelible mark as a leader in our community. “Risé is someone that is reserved and pays attention, taking things in until she has something important to say. My experience is that when Risé speaks, it’s always worthwhile to listen and learn.”
Mazel Tov Risé on this well-deserved recognition.