Music Makes the People Come Together
January 29, 2021
By Mike Steklof

In a midrash (commentaries and stories that fill in the gaps in biblical texts) about this week’s parsha (Torah portion), Beshalach, we meet Nachshon who leads the Jewish people through the Red Sea when they are stuck between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. The midrash suggests that Nachson, unafraid, walks into the sea until his head is covered, and only then the sea parts and he can lead the Jewish people to the other side.

Over the summer, the Center for Jewish Engagement and Learning created a series of self-paced anytime activities for families based on Jewish ideas and text. Families were invited to pull up these activities when convenient for them and participate in a 30-minute Jewish experience. This activity, “Music Makes the People Come Together” explores leadership and follow-ship through music, Nachson, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l, and some reflective activities. Consider setting aside 30 minutes with your family and participate in this Jewish experience together.

Mike Steklof is Director of Jewish Experience at the Center for Jewish Engagement and Learning, Powered by the Buffalo Jewish Federation.