Courage, Curiosity and Faith
November 8, 2024

By Susan Goldberg Schwartz

Life challenges us all day long, from the minutiae – What should I wear?  What do I need from Wegmans? – to the more significant – What values guide me? How can I make a difference? It is through these life encounters that we grow, evolve, and transform.   

In this week’s Torah portion, Lech Lecha, God commands our future patriarch Abram to leave his land, his birthplace and ‘go forth’ to the place which God will show him.  Mussar master Alan Morinis wrote in his book, With Heart in Mind, that “the driving concern of Judaism is personal spiritual transformation.” Abram‘s spiritual transformation to Abraham while on his journey embodies three Mussar Middot/character traits that can help us today. 

What did Abram need to go forth to the place he didn’t know?   

  • Abram needed great courage, Ometz lev, literally a strong heart.  A person with a strong heart pursues what is right without giving in to fear or anxiety.  Courage allows one to go forth, showing bravery and perseverance.  
  • Abram showed the importance of curiosity/Sakranut – what would he find there? Sakranut involves immersing oneself in exploration and discovery, seeking understanding, and being comfortable with uncertainty.  
  • Lastly, Abram needed faith/Emunah – showing trust, confidence, and faithfulness in God. Striving to understand God’s ways, knowing that God was with him, Abram was able to go confidently into the unknown. 

Whenever I read this Torah portion, the lyrics of Debbie Friedman’s beautiful melody resonate deeply with me. “Lechi Lach – on your journey I will bless you, and you shall be a blessing”. I sang these words to my mom during the last hours of her life as she journeyed to the unknown, and Cantor Susan Wehle, z”l sang it at her funeral.   

Life’s trials will continue to challenge us to grow, evolve and transform and as we do so, we will enrich the lives of those around us.  As Abram is transformed into Abraham and is called to ‘be a blessing” to all nations, we too can become a blessing. Lechi Lach – go forth and live with greater courage, curiosity, and faith.   

Click here to listen to Debbie Friedman, z”l

Lechi Lach – to a land that I will show you 
Lech Lecha – to a place you do not know 
Lechi Lach – on your journey I will bless you 
And you shall be a blessing, lechi lach  

Lechi lach – and I shall make your name great 
Lech Lecha – and all shall praise your name 
Lechi Lach – to the place that I will show you 
L’sim-chat cha-yim, l’chi lach 


Susan Goldberg Schwartz is a Jewish educator and Mussar facilitator who recently was the Hazzanit for High Holy Day services at Beth Isaiah Synagogue in Guelph, Ontario.