Amy and Eduardo Heumann
December 8, 2023

Today, we cast our spotlight on Amy and Eduardo Heumann, Buffalonians since 1987.  Amy grew up on Long Island and Eduardo in Santiago, Chile, each in a non-observant home but with a strong Jewish identity.  The two met when they were in college at Tufts University.  Subsequently Amy earned a Master’s degree in Special Education at Hofstra University and Eduardo a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Management Engineering at Columbia.  They married in 1975.

In Buffalo they were warmly welcomed, particularly in the Jewish community.  The Heumanns joined Temple Beth Am, a perfect setting for them and their two daughters.  Amy became an adult Bat Mitzvah there in 1991. The Heumanns also were active at the Jewish Community Center where their girls learned swimming, gymnastics and ballet, appeared in theatrical productions and attended Camp Lakeland. Their older daughter was a counselor at Centerland between high school and college.  As empty-nesters and now enjoying retirement, Amy and Eduardo have taken fitness classes and worked out with personal trainers at the Center as well as attending lectures, the JRT and more.  “The Heumanns are two of the most generous people I have had the pleasure to meet,” shares Alex Eadie, Director of Advancement at the JCC. “Their incredible gift in 2021 to renovate the Kids Place area at the Benderson Family Building was transformational for us.  It is such a pleasure to see the joy they have gotten from seeing the impact of their gift and what it has meant for the children that we serve.”

Amy was a special education teacher, as well as a sales representative and school and library specialist for World Book, Inc. Eduardo joined SKW in Niagara Falls, building a metal trading business for the company.  In 2004 he and two partners bought a ferro-alloy plant in Kentucky and the trading business Eduardo had established from the German owners. The partners sold the plant in 2011. Today, CCMA has diversified its business and employs approximately sixty people in its Amherst office and abroad.

While Eduardo built his career, and with his enthusiastic support, Amy volunteered in the Jewish community.  She served on Temple Beth Am’s board and executive board, eventually becoming the Vice-President of Education.  Later, at Temple Beth Zion, she served on the board of the Women’s Group.  More recently, Amy became a member of the Jewish Community Relations Council’s Racial Justice Working Group, then of the Racial Justice Subcommittee.  A highlight of her volunteer career was her work with the Federation’s Buffalo Jewish Coalition for Literacy, which she joined in 2005 and later co-chaired, supporting the work of classroom teachers and collecting and distributing thousands of books to children in two Buffalo public schools.  “Amy and Eduardo are extraordinary leaders and philanthropists. Jewish Buffalo is so fortunate to benefit from their passion for this community, it’s people and institutions. They are a true treasure,” shared Miriam Abramovich, Chief Operating Officer of the Federation.

The Heumanns are the proud parents of two daughters and two granddaughters.  Alyssa lives in Brooklyn with her husband Dave and daughters Elena, 8, and Sasha 5.  Alyssa is Special Counsel at Fried Frank in the area of asset management.  Tara lives in San Francisco and is a Deputy County Attorney in San Mateo.  In their free time, the Heumanns enjoy walking, theater, and travel.  They look forward to visiting Patagonia and southern Italy in 2024.